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Updated July 15, 2000
A short and simple update on why I have been away for so long. I left for a trip to the U.S. to attend summer classes and expected to be able to use the computers at the college there, but unfortunately the that wasn't allowed. Now I'm sitting in front of my friend's computer, typing this message with a high fever running at the same time. I'm sorry about the delay, and will catch up with everything once the medicine I'm taking starts working. At the mean time, I'll be surveying the dubbed episodes in the U.S. since that's exactly where I am at the moment. *cheers and coughs* Until later!
1) Thank you everyone, for your reports. I have them posted up here so you can all go and see what others think of the new S dub. *shudders*
Sailormoon S will be airing in the U.S. today. Everyone is at the edge of their seats, wondering just what injustice DiC will do to the show this time. Unfortunately, there are some of us who don't live in the U.S. and therefore we will have no idea what happens in the dubbed episodes. Here is a request...
Could those of you who will be watching the dubbed episodes please send me a little report of what you liked and disliked in the new dubbed series. It can be as short as two sentences or as long as a page. It can be focused on each episode or it can just be about all the episodes in general. I would like to put together all of these reports on a page so that those living elsewhere can find out what's going on, and those in the U.S. can compare what they thought about the dubbed episodes with what others thought about it.
I would greatly appreciate it if people could do this, and I will shower you with a dozen kisses to your mailbox if you do so. *hugs everyone* Thanks, and I love you all! If you decide to send me your views, just E-mail me at clerecrystal@mailcity.com.
*grumbles* Fate loves me...I'm telling you. I was updating the members page this morning for the Anti-DiC club when Tripod suddenly decided to lock down on me. *kicks Tripod* Ahem...anyways...
1) 14 new members were added to the Members List of the Anti-DiC Club
Now, didn't I tell you I was going to be updating like crazy for the next week or so? Here they are...
1) New Flames response. Click here to see the new response.
*rolls up sleeves* Clere hasn't updated for awhile, and you know what this means...updating frenzy!
1) New Flames responses
1) Added 3 new members to the Anti-DiC Club.
Everybody...can we say..."I hate essays?" Goood...I knew we could! ^_^ That's what I'm
stuck on right now, so the *only* update for today is...
1) Added three new members (and one is an Anti-Dub Confederation Member!) to the
1) I fixed the broken "link to us" link on the main page, so if you click on it, it should bring you to a page full of buttons and banners.
IMPORTANT: It's true...Sailormoon S and SuperS *will* be dubbed. This is no stupid
rumor from SOS or any other of those "not-to-be-trusted" pages. This is from Cartoon
Network and Optimum itself. VKLL will also not be giving out fansubs of Sailormoon S
and SuperS series anymore. I wrote a little article about this issue
HERE, so go and take a look at it. *sigh* I'm sorry everyone...I really am.
1) The new version is finally up, just like I promised. Welcome to Version 2.0,
version fruit! You will notice that all of the pages have been changed slightly
to fit version fruit. If you want, you can still view Version 1.0,
though I personally like Version 2.0 much better. What do you think?
1) I added a few new Anti-DIC links to the Links page, but I'm still
looking for more. If you know any pages which include Anti-DIC comments in them
(the page does not have to revolve around dub bashing though) then please
E-mail me the links. Thanks!
1) I regret to inform you that AWARENESS will be closing down due to an overwhelm of
stupid flames....APRIL FOOLS! *Ahem* I know...I know...that was just stupid. Excuse me...I think
I scrambled my brains over my one week trip. Just to let you know, no matter how many flames
I get, this page will *never* close down. Besides, the flames can be pretty funny at times.
1) "So kiss me, and smile for me, tell me that you'll never let me go. 'Cause I'm leaving, on a jet plane! I don't know...."
I'm very sorry for not updating on the set date, but teachers have suddenly gotten the
idea that assigning essays and exams all due on the same two days is good for students'
health...so that's what I'm doing right now. I will, however, update AWARENESS
to "Version Fruit" soon. (Basically, the main page will change and I'll be adding
a new section in...nothing *overly* shocking)
1) I added a new DIC rant to the opinions page.
I know that one of the images on the main rant page is broken, and I'm still trying
to work out why since the pic is already uploaded to my server.
1) Are there enough Anti-DIC Sailormoon people out there to complete a puzzle? This
new feature is called "Join the Club". Please
join today so we can complete our puzzle!
Added our first response for the Flames Section from Razynne!
Back to AWARENESS: Are you aware? Main Page
The above manga image of Chibi-Chibi and Usagi was scanned and
edited by me. Please do not take it without permission or you will be seeing
a crazy girl dressed up as Sailor Saturn hiding in your closet every night,
waiting with her Silence Glaive. (Eh! That's too violent! Okay, new punishment.
You will be subjected to being tickled if you steal it.)