Hahaha! Haruka's chest as some deformity? ^_^ Yes, indeed...just what -will- Optimum
do with Haruka and Michiru? Don't forget about them changing Hotaru from Messiah of
Silence to "Bringer of the evil enemy". Afterall, we can't have kids watching
a little child being the bringer of death, can we? Oh noooo...at least that's what
DiC & Optimum would think! Thankyou, Gentry-chan!
Please, sell the rights to the show to someone who can
do a good job dubbing and subbing this beautiful
series like Pioneer or U.S. Manga Corps. And if you
still don't think our opinions are enough to convince
you to do what's right for this series, at least hire
some good actors. There are more talented ameture
actors working on fan dubs of this series than the
ones that were hired for the dubbed Sailor Moon and
Sailor Moon R.
O_O Wow, Navi! Long letter...it's great! (No..it's better than great!)
Let's just hope that Optimum decides to listen to it. *Looks at the list of URLs that you provided* Hmm..there are
some on there which I haven't even heard of yet. I think I'll check those
sites out and we can wallow in our misery together. *grin* Thanks for letting
me post your letter to Optimum up on this site!
WOW! O_O Thankyou Sailorsaturn02, for your great letter! (How long did it take
you to write that? I like it!) It's sad how they're going to be dubbing the outer
senshi, because this means that something horrible will happen to them. Haruka a
male? Neptune a ditz? HOTARU A DITZ? (*Mind boggling*) Hopefully, they'll never
get up to Sailorstars...it would cause too much conflict. (What with the Three Lights
turning into female Starlights and all...) ^_^
- Clere
Response #2: Dear Optimum Productions,
How dare you even think about dubbing the rest of this
wonderful series after *destroying* the first to
series? No one I know wants you guys to dub the rest.
Everyone I talked to wished Pioneer Animation would
dub it so we could at least have a *decent* dub, not
to mention a subtitled version for those of us that
want to hear the original acting. Sailor Mini Moon? Is
it really that difficult to say "chibi"? And why
change everyone's names? Tsukino Usagi - Rabbit of the
Moon; by changing her name to Serena, the cute joke
about her hair and the Japanese legend is lost. What
was the point of changing Ami to Amy and Rei to Raye?
Why couldn't you leave their beautiful names alone?
Why did you change Rei's personality so much? Raye was
so cruel to Serena, but Rei was Usagi's best friend
who looked out for her and scolded her to help her
learn from her mistakes. Why change Zoisite's gender?
So he's man in love with another man (Kunzite who also
received a name change, why?). Is it so wrong to be
homosexual? What about Haruka and Michiru? I think
their relationship is one of the most beautiful in
Sailormoon, and I heard you were going to make them
*sisters*? So many lines that would be changed, the
cute flirting they do with other people to make the
other one jealous, translation lost once more. Why
change Princess Serenity to Princess Serena and Prince
Endymion to Prince Darien? The original names were
puns themselves, Selene the goddess of the moon was in
love with Endymion, a man from earth, and changing the
prince and princesses names to the ones they received
when they were reincarnated takes away the mystery.
Why change so much when it was so wonderful in its
original animated form? What about the controversial
things like the entire S series, the Amazon Trio, and
Amazoness Quartet? The religous references? Dark
Messiah? Holy Grail? What are you planning to do with
those? Censor them out? If you pulled something like
that, there would be no S season to dub! And what
about dear Fishey of the Amazon Trio? He's gay, you
know. Make him a girl? He takes off his shirt in a few
episodes, not going to work unless you cut out the
episode, is it? Speaking of cutting out episodes, why
cut the episode about Sailor V? I heard you said it
was an uneccesary episode that didn't help the plot of
the series. The way you translated it, what plot?
Besides that, you cut out a very important episode
that could have helped build Sailorvenus's character!
Maybe you feel I am the only one that doesn't want you
to dub this series, but I'm going to give you some
site URLs with the opinions of people that feel the
same way as me. *Please* visit these sites and read
the opinions, especially those on the first site I've
listed run by Clere. Her page is all about the hacked
and slashed dub.
I forgot to add something in it though, I noticed on
their website they had "The Best in Every Language".
The dub of SM was hardly what I would call "The Best".
- Clere
Response #3:
When i heard that sailormoon S and SuperS was being dubbed my reaction was
"oh..my..god!!!"Just great, we're going to have DIC hack up even more
sailormoon episodes and confuse even more people. I dread to think what will
happen to haruka and michuru(they'll probably say that either haruka and
michuru are sisters or worse...they'll say they're friends). They'll make
fish-eye a girl...turn hotaru into a squeaky voiced n'sync loving
bimbo...give the deathbusters and deadmoon circus names like the "nega-moon
circus" and the "nega-busters"...and when they get to sailorstars(shudders)
they'll most likely completely cut out the last two episodes of sailorstars
or not show that season all together (wouldn't wanna "traumatize" any 2 year
olds would we *sarcasm*). If they do show sailorstars, they'll probably try
to make a very futile attempt to hide the fact the sailorstarlights change
genders when they transform(and do god knows what else to ruin the rest of
that season). I cannot believe DIC is dubbing the rest of the series..this is
the worst news i have ever heard....all they're doing is giving sailormoon a
very slow slow death. I would've been okay if the rest of the series had been
subtitled by pioneer or a other anime company..but nooooooooo...couldn't have
that could we? We had to have the same stupid horrible dubbing job done on it
again didn't we?(sighs) I very much pity the people who don't have online
access and only have the dubbed version of sailormoon....all they will get to
see is a horribly mutilated show. I thought that the rest of sailormoon was
never going to be dubbed....i was wrong....i was so horribly wrong.
Fortunately, all is not lost, i have still found some fansub distros that are
offering the S and SuperS seasons despite the fact VKLL is no longer making
tapes of those episodes. I will not let DIC win....i'm not going to watch the
dubbed episodes no matter what..i refuse to see haruka and michuru turned
into "just friends" and fisheye made into a girl. This is what i have to say
about S and SuperS being dubbed.
- Clere
Response #4: Gosh!I hate the way that DIC dubs. They totally cut everything out!!!I have
been waiting a long time for a company to dub sailor moon s and super s. I
just didnt want DIC to dub it. Only God knows what they will do with Haruka
and Michiru. As i've read on other websites that Haruka and Michiru were more
than just friends(which they are). It would be terrible for them to Screw that
relationship up!!!!! And Hotaru,I really like Hotaru's character,and I would
get mad if they messed her character up!! i also want to say that if you
created sailor moon would you want someone messing up your work not leting
people see the real way your work is supposed to be. Well I also thought
pioneer company was gonna dub it but i guess there not. I would actually
probably rather go to Japan and watch sailor moon than watch the way DIC
srews up sailor moon. I think we would all be better off if DIC or Optimum
wouldn't DUB sailor moon. Well thats the way i feel. Please post my message up.
Katie chan
Response #5:
Here is what I have to say about the upcoming DiC dub of Sailormoon Super. It's really suprising that they chose to dub it, even SOS was shocked! I think it will be completely destroyed. What are they going to do when they get to the introduction of Hotaru Tomoe? What are they going to do to the witches 5? I know they won't show Eudial plunging to her death in her car. Most of all, the beautiful song Tuxedo Mirage is much a part of Sailormoon Super. What would DiC burn our ears with in it's place? I shudder to think. I'm suprised they did not choose to make Haruka a boy, they'll just be really good freinds instead of two in love. What's wrong with showing a gay relationship in an anime when they have it in shows like Ellen and Ally Mcbeal and it's not even portrayed the same way. They act like Haruka and Michiru are going to be shown kissing or something! I almost hurled when I heard the voices for the outer senshi. DiC is going to destroy this anime further. I'm anxoius to see how they screw with it.