NOTE: No, this is NOT a Three Lights club. I just like that pic above. It's an Anti-DIC Sailormoon club.
Another one of those Anti-DIC club of course! You know, the ones where you add
your name, email address, and homepage to a list of DIC hater. This isn't REALLY
a club (meaning you don't need membership badges to go to certain places, etc.)
but it's basically also a place to show that you hate the DIC dub of Sailormoon!
Well, many of those lists where you add your name to them show how many Anti-DIC people
there are using NUMBERS. (Eg: The DIRE club currently has 301 members (wow!) and
that is shown by assigning everyone a "membership number"...all the way to the
301st member!)
Well, I wasn't finished yet! O_o I however want to try something different and
see if there are enough Anti-DIC Sailormoon people out there by giving "members"
a piece of a puzzle that I made. As each puzzle piece is assigned, I will add
it to the puzzle and see if the puzzle can
be completed!
You get to have your name "signed" on the puzzle piece that is assigned to you.
(Eg: My puzzle piece is here and if you
click on the link, you can see that my name is ON the puzzle piece. You get to
choose how you want your name to appear and if you want it in a specific font
or not. Then, the SIGNED puzzle piece is added to the puzzle, so that IF it is
completed, it will be a puzzle with the signatures of Anti-dubbed Sailormoon
people on it!
Yes, you do. Your puzzle piece on the puzzle will either be linked to your email
or your homepage. (or neither if you don't want it to be) I will also be compiling
a list of names, email addresses, and homepages of all the puzzle piece holders
on a seperate page for you to look at.
Don't worry about SPAM. Once there are enough pieces of the puzzle I will add
one with a link to a special email address, so that if anyone gets spammed (along
with chain lettered) I will also receive one in my special email address and know
that it came from the puzzle page. Then..whoever spammed all of the members will
hear from me.... :P
Check out the links below. One of them will say JOIN, and that's where you click!
Have fun!
Join the Club | The Puzzle So Far | Our Members List |
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