Tsukino Usagi= Serena
Serena…it's actually a very nice sounding name, but it just doesn't fit Usagi
at all! I understand where it came from, but it sounds so elegant,
beautiful…nothing like our bunny of the moon! Then, there was that thing
that really annoyed me….Princess Serena. UGH! How could they have named her
that? What were they thinking? (It's good thing they didn't call her
Neo-Queen Serena!) If they had to name her Serena, couldn't they had at
least given her a last name? I wonder what she does when she is asked to
fill out health forms. ("Name please." "Serena." "Do you have a last name?"
"No, just Serena.") However, even with all that, there's still something
that annoys me even more. Have you ever heard one of the girls from DIC
say her name? "SEREEEENA!" Egh! I think my eardrums just broke!
Chibi-Usa = Rini
Okay, I thought SEREEEENA was bad. So what about REEENEEE!? I think DIC gave her
the most horrible name ever. She has the worst name in the entire DIC Sailormoon
in my opinion. I mean, say the name. Rini. Sounds like a snotty little nose brat, doesn't
it? (Plus, her voice has given me permanent ear aches) Her name isn't even cute!
Chibi-Usa was cute! (little bunny) Rini is just plain obnoxious. (Actually, I think
it sounds like something you name a pet. I'll tell my friend to name her dog that)
Chiba Mamoru = Darien
Oh ho. Now it's DAREEEEEIN! I don't have much to say about this name as it isn't that
bad a name for some guys. All I know is that it doesn't fit Mamoru and never will.
End of story.
Mizuno Ami = Amy Anderson
What was the point here of changing the spelling from Amy to Ami? Sure, I
understand that Amy is the more common spelling in the U.S., but just because
of this they have to replace the "I" with the "Y"? I think that it is an
unnecessary change. What really gets to me though is how they HAD to change
the last name of Ami. Most of the DIC senshi (or "scouts" as DIC calls them)
don't even have last names, so what was the point of making Ami have one?
Couldn't they have at least kept Mizuno then instead of Americanizing it and
making it Anderson? No, I guess not.
Hino Rei = Raye Hino
Um…okay…something strange is going on here. Everything (pronounciation,
last name, etc.) about Rei's name is the same here EXCEPT for the spelling
of her first name. I think it's pointless how they mutilated Rei's name
spelling. Did they think that it would be easier to spell Raye than Rei?
Think about it. In Evangelion, the white haired girl's name is spelled as
Rei. (And I believe it has been translated into English. If it hasn't, so
sorry for my mistake! I've only seen the Japanese version of it!) In various
other cartoons which were translated before Sailormoon, Rei is a very popular
name and is ALWAYS spelled that way. So why would DIC think it would be
easier to change the name to Raye? Or that it would be more Americanized?
Enough people have seen the spelling of "Rei" around. It's nothing new at
Kino Makoto = Lita
Oh no, another bad way of Americanizing the name. Ami, they managed to
keep with some spelling changes. Same with Rei, and close enough with
Minako. But what about Makoto? They couldn't have kept the name or at
least shortened it to be Mako? No, of course not! Instead, they twisted
it entirely and formed some new name…Lita. Where did that come from?
(I see no relation to Makoto's name except that Lita sounds like "litre"
and Makoto cooks so sometimes she uses litres of milk. Haha, no,
that's stupid. Don't take that seriously. And by the way, some people might
spell it liter, but litre is the way I learned it.) Again, there was no last
name included. They would probably have twisted it to Lita Loggings, or
something of that sort.
Aino Minako = Mina
Wah? Another pointless change. All they did was remove the "ko" part from
Minako's name. Mina is still as Japanese as before. Ha! DIC probably
thought that little kids wouldn't be able to remember such a COMPLICATED
name as Minako, so they shortened it to Mina in hopes of their kindergarten
audience remembering. (As the DIC Sailormoon seems to be aimed towards)
My objection to this change however isn't as strong as the other, because at
least they managed to keep the spelling the same and only removed the "ko"
part. No last name again. (Those poor senshi!)
These names were actually issued to the outer senshi dolls in the U.S., but I have
very good reasons that IF DIC ever decides to translate Sailormoon S, these will
be the very ones they will be using. (Since they have already submitted to names
issued by toy companies before)
Ten'ou Haruka = Corinne
Corinne? It sounds too calm and serene for a tough person like Haruka. Sure, I know
that Haruka can show her feminine side sometimes, but a name like Corinne implies
that she shows it ALL the time. And besides, what will the senshi say when they
meet Haruka for the first time and think she is a boy? (Corinne is a very feminine
name while Haruka in Japanese can be for both a boy and a girl)
Kaiou Michiru= Nerissa
Now, Nerissa is a very pretty name and I admit that it also sounds quite feminine.
So I won't write much about Michiru's name change here. I only have one question
which remanes the same for ALL of the senshi, and that is: Why couldn't DIC just
have kept the Japanese names? If the English translation of Ranma can do it, then
why can't they?!
Meiou Setsuna = Celia
This is another very pretty name and it could fit Setsuna if your imagination
stretched far enough. Of course though, it has no relation to Setsuna's name at all,
(like Mina at least is close to Minako) and our poor solitary soldier is missing
a last name just like "Corinne" and "Nerissa".
Tomoe Hotaru = Who knows
Oh please don't screw Hotaru's name up as badly as they did to Chibi-Usa's name.
Pretty please! They might think that because Hotaru is young, it would be good
to give her a little cutey wutey name with a long EEE sound in it. Just one thing.
If they change her name to HARREEEEEEEEIT, I'm packing my bags and moving to another
planet. (No, I have no negative feelings to the name Harriet unless they decide
to lengthen the "I" into lots of "E"'s like they did in REEEENEEE.)
Minako: What's your name?
Haruka: Corinne
(NOTE: That does not happen in the real Sailormoon, only in my imaginations of the
horrors Sailormoon S would go through if DIC ever translated it)
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