Have you ever wondered what would happen if the DIC scouts and the original
senshi could meet up with each other? In this fanfic, Sailormoon D,
the scouts have come up with an ultimate plan to take over the world.
They will start in Japan, the center of all anime, slowly changing all
the original Sailormoon episodes into dubbed ones. Who's going to come to
the rescue? Why, the Sailor senshi of course! Every senshi is featured in
this fanfic, which includes the Starlights. Our trusty Tuxedo Kamen will be
there too. If you're looking for a humorous fanfic to read on senshi against
scout, read this one!
I know that I mess some things up that are like "rules" in the sailor senshi world, namely that in super mode the senshi can still do all their old attacks, and the moon seems to carry her Moon Healing Wand, Moon Scepter, and Moon Spiral Rod all at the same time though we all know that the crystal from her healing wand is in her brooch and her scepter was replaced by the spiral rod. Oh well, that's just the way stories go.
One last thing. I know some DIC haters out there probably would like this fanfic to be gorier, but this is intended to be more humerous. One of my aims is to help those who have only watched the dubbed version to be more aware of the differences between DIC and the original, and to maybe even convert a few. So if the scouts don't get their heads blown off or their body parts thrown down the sewer…very sorry. Well, that's it. HAPPY READING!